Sep 11, 2009

Karate: The Most Popular Martial Art

Who doesn't know Karate? A brave martial art. Almost entire populations in this world know it, a martial art from Japan.

Karate consists of two words, "Kara" and "Te". Kara means empty, Te means hand. So literally we could understand Karate as art of empty hand. Or in English term, we could interpret it as "unarmed art of fighting".

Karate is name of the martial art. Karateka is people who learn Karate. Karate-do is karateka way of life.

I am not a Karate expert, so we will not discuss the principles of Karate. It is better to discuss about its history.

In seventeenth century, Japanese conquered Okinawa. They banned all weapons of inhabitants, even farm devices must be stored in Government Ware Houses. The Okinawan people responded it by developing unarmed method of fighting to high level. They called it "Te", meaning Hand.

Local Chinese Immigrants contributed some of their ways of fighting, Chuan Fa. In this modern age, we call it Kung Fu.

After a long time, the name of "Te" changed into "Karate".

In 1922, an Okinawan Karate Man, Gichin Funakoshi, began to teach Karate in Japan. It became established in universities of Japan successfully. From this moment, Karate began its modern age.

It is short history about Karate's beginning. The beginning of Most Popular Martial Art.

Aug 13, 2009

Pencak Silat: An Indonesian Martial Art

Silat is one of Indonesian Martial Arts. Its origin is unknown historically. No historical evidence found about this matter.
Suroso Orakas (1977:8), a Pencak Silat Fighter, guessed its basic was brought by Chinese merchants from fifth century to tenth century. In the time, Strait of Malacca had been a central traffic of sea trade between China, India, and Nusantara (ancient name of Indonesia). This mercantile, religion, and cultural relationship was on top in 670s, Golden Era of Sriwijaya Kingdom. Sriwijaya was a famous Buddhism education center. Probably in this age Nusantara People learned martial basic from their trade partner, Chinese merchants.

In fifteenth century, Pencak Silat Teaching taken over by every "Kiai" in "Pondok Pesantren". Kiai is Islamic Priest, Pondok Pesantren is Islamic Traditional Education Center.

After long process which took centuries, finally Pencak Silat found its own personality like we all know now.

Buddhism Influence can be seen in Pencak Silat Philosophy. It teaches not to be the first attacker. Fighter who strikes first blow will lose the fight.

This is prediction of history of Pencak Silat. If you are interested in learning it seriously, please visit Padepokan Pencak Silat, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jakarta, Indonesia. Or you can join Persekutuan Pencak Silat Antar Bangsa (Persilat), if it exists in your country.

Orakas, Suroso, Bela Diri Praktis Pencak Silat, Karya Anda, Surabaya, 1977.

Jul 29, 2009

Ninja: Principle of Stealth Fighter

Ninja, faceless men, expert fighters in infiltration and assassination, were not fiction but did in fact exist. They were Japanese Secret Assassin in ancient Japan from sixth century to beginning of seventeenth century.

Ninja way of life, named "Ninjutsu", taught an assumption that people can not attack whom they can not see. This made ninja developing infiltration and stealth techniques.

This principle could be applied in fight by three ways.

First, you can attack an opponent from his back silently when he has not detected you already. This is what the so called "Stealth Technique". It is most popular technique used by ninja in ancient time.

Second, when you have been fighting an opponent whom has detected you already, you can still move to his back. It requires leg agility, special technique, and intensive training.

Third, you can distract opponent's vision then attack him. For example, you can pretend you are grasping something, then pretend to throw it to his eyes. Although you throw nothing, he will still turn his face or cover his face in instinctive reaction to protect his eyes. This moment permits you to attack him.

In ancient time, ninja used the third application by throwing smoke bomb. As the smoke filled the air and opponent could not see clearly, ninja would attack his opponent. It was also possible the ninja would throw shuriken (ninja thrown weapon) first. While opponent was being hit or trying to avoid it, ninja would attack opponent with his main weapon, ninja blade.

These are application of Stealth Principle which was developed by Ninja, Stealth Fighter.

Jul 20, 2009

Bruce Lee: New Paradigm of Martial Art

Bruce Lee was a very famous Hollywood Actor. He was also a great Kung Fu Fighter. It is a pity he passed away unnaturally.

For the Western World, Bruce Lee introduced a new thing. It is how to use leg as a weapon in the fight. Before they know him, Western people always fight only with their hands.

For Eastern World, Bruce Lee introduced a new style in Kung Fu, Non Style Kung Fu. Before his appearance, Kung Fu Fighters always tied to a style. For example Snake Syle, Dragon Style, Tiger Style, and so on. He tought a form of fighting untied to style, but only concentrated on fighting techniques. For Kung Fu World, this is a new paradigm. One thing never exists before.

This is story of change done by Bruce Lee in Martial Art World. Hopefully, we could get benefit from his teaching.

Jun 30, 2009

Miyamoto Musashi: Principles of Invincibility

Musashi was an invincible samurai in Japan Feudal Era. He survived more than 60 duel and passed away peacefully on his bed. Facts about his historical existence are admitted.

One of the historical evidence is the book he wrote in 1643, entitled The Book of Five Rings. In this book he explained his principles of using sword.

First, he suggested to hold a long sword in one hand and a short sword in another hand. He said with this configuration you can overcome fight in any terrain.

Second, you must always fight with your back or your side to sun-shine direction. Do not fight in position with your front to sun-shine direction, except you have no choice. This is important to have your vision undisturbed.

Third, do not use sword techniques rigidly. Best technique is technique that saves your life, not standard technique which does not develop your skill or your position.

Fourth, if you are being ganged up on by many samurai, do not wait for enemies' attack. You must control them, not being controlled by them. Rush and attack quickly to one direction and then rush again to other direction. Repeat this method. With this method, Musashi could defeat about 20 until 30 samurai alone in duel.

These are principles described by Miyamoto Musashi in his book. Hopefully they will be useful to Martial Lovers.

Jun 22, 2009

Unarmed Tactics: Fighting Many Armed Opponents

Fighting many armed opponents without a weapon is the heaviest form of fighting. Although you are skillful, this is still difficult to accomplish.

Basically, you must understand how to fight single armed opponent first. Because it is impossible for you to defeat many armed opponents if  you can not handle only single armed opponent.

These are suggestions for you if you have to fight many armed opponents:

Tactics 1:

It is better to run away if you are not very skillful. If you have been surrounded, penetrate out surrounding opponents. Find weakness or weak opponent. You could aim your escaping there.

Tactics 2:

When you are running away, try to find object which could be used as a weapon. It can be a wood stick, big stone, metal pipe, chain, etc.

Tactics 3:

You can enter a narrow path where only an opponent can fight you. It is an advantageous position. In here, you can disarm an opponent. The weapon you get can be used to fight them.

Tactics 4:

If you have to fight openly in wide terrain, you should fight fast. Have an opponent a living shield, so your risk of being injured could be reduced. Please see your trusted trainer to explain and demonstrate what I mean.

Fighting many armed opponents does not only need intensive training guided by a trusted trainer but also brave heart, deep calmness, and certainly: luck. My above explanation is only suggestion to help you fighting such opponents. Not best principles you must apply on absolutely

Jun 1, 2009

Unarmed Tactics: Fighting Many Unarmed Opponents

This is heavier form of fighting than 1-on-1 unarmed fight. This form needs good understanding too.

Basically, there are two choices. First choice, you will fight. Second choice, you will escape.

If you decide to fight, apply on "hit and run" tactics. Fight fast. If you need to, you could run freely during fight. It is better to use combination of punch and kick techniques most. The principles of this form of fighting is almost same as to defeat Type 1 of 1-on-1 unarmed fight.

But if you see too many opponents, more than 5 persons, it is suggested to escape or to run away. If you have been surrounded, penetrate out surrounding opponents. How? Look at the surrounding. You will find weakness or weak opponent. You should aim your escape there.

If you have been exhausted but opponents still going after you, stop running and face them. Shout at them to get their braveness dropped. This shocking action will frighten enemies. Usually only one or two braver opponents who will fight you again. When you have been refreshed, you could continue your action by finally fighting them again or escaping.

This is unarmed tactics to fight many unarmed opponents.

May 20, 2009

Unarmed Tactics: Fighting Single Unarmed Opponent

One-on-one weaponless fight is the simplest and easiest form of fighting. This is also the basic form of any Martial Art. But it does not mean it does not need good tactics and understanding.

Based on body size, we could divide opponent into 2 type. Type 1 is big bodied opponent, Type 2 is small bodied opponent.

How to Defeat Type 1:

Speed and agility are needed to defeat this kind of opponent. Launch various punch and kick techniques to fatal points of opponent's body. I suggest you to move by light/narrow stance. If you have to, you may have little running. Do not get close, and avoid applying throw techniques and/or lock techniques. It is hard to defeat this type with such techniques.

How to Defeat Type 2:

This is contrary of Type 1, small bodied opponent. You must get closer to win. Restrict his/her movement range. Use throw, lock, or break-joint techniques most. Move by heavy/wide stance. Avoid unnecessary move.

It seems easy if our opponent do not practice Martial Art. Now, how will we fight well-trained opponent?

First, you must identify his/her martial type. Close-fight martial art or far-fight martial art? You must know it first (to define types of martial art, please read my former article: Two Categories of Martial Art).

Second, apply reverse martial type of the opponent. If he/she has close-fight martial art, fight with far-fight martial art (or principally the same method on Type 1). If he/she has far-fight martial art, fight with close-fight martial art (or principally the same method on Type 2).

Above explanation is tactics of Weaponless 1-on-1 Fight. I will explain how to fight many unarmed opponents in my next article.

Apr 28, 2009

Secrets of Winning Deadly Fight

Martial Lovers are also Peace Lovers. Although we are well-trained fighter, we only fight if we are forced by. You could see a proof of this statement at Shaolin Priests' Attitude. They are polite, civilized, and peaceful people. But it does not mean they can not fight strongly.

But fact of life does not say either. Sometimes we must fight for our life. Even this fight is deadly. Our choices are simple: to disable or to be disabled.

According to my private experience, these are very important points we must apply on when deadly fight occurs.

When the fight is going to occur (but uncertainly occur), look at opponent's hands. Do not look at her/his eyes. You must see whether the hands placed behind his/her back, placed in a bag, placed in pocket, or covered by a thing. If they are, you must suspect a weapon held by.

When the fight begins, quickly and directly apply on fatal technique to disable opponent. Do not give opponent even a second to develop his/her position. If you have been in bad position already, get advantageous position quickly. Keep in mind, real fight only takes extremely short period of time. It takes only seconds to assure the quick and the dead.

These are points we must know and apply when we are involved in deadly fight. Remember, I do not suggest to kill but to disable. To understand what kind of action we should apply to various fight situation, please read my previous article. Visualization Training : Applying Appropriate Action on Fight Situation.

Mar 19, 2009

Visualization Training: Applying Appropriate Action on Fight Situation

Martial Lovers, a wise man said, "Life is a choice"

In martial training, we learn how to win any fight. There are fatal techniques and non fatal techniques we train. And there are also many choices we could apply on to win or survive in real fight. To simplify them, these are choices we could apply:

1. Killing or injuring opponent

2. Disarming or disabling opponent without injuring opponent

3. Disfighting opponent (persuading opponent, getting in a room, ignoring, and so on)

4. Fleeing

The choice we decide to do depends on situation we are facing with. It is a suggestion to visualize all fight situation in your mind, thus visualize what you will do to overcome them. Visualization training is important because there is almost no time to think in a real fight. What you will do spontaneously and borne by your unconscious mind.

Now let us start visualizing situation below. You should visualize these situation thus visualize your own action to overcome them. I will not give you answers. A situation may have 1 or 2 answers.

Situation 1

Your drunken brother has come back from a bar. He is getting mad without a cause. Now he is going to hit you.

Situation 2

While you are walking on street, you meet a crazy people. He has drawn his knife, and now he is attacking you.

Situation 3

You are a soldier in a combat now. Enemies' commander is in front of you. You both are out of ammo.

Situation 4

You are being trapped in a massive chaos. Suddenly many people shout and chase you. It seems so well they are going to attack you without any mercy at all to show you.

Situation 5

You and your wife would get divorce. Last morning the misunderstanding had been cleared. You canceled divorcing. This afternoon, your brother-in-law who has not known it meeting you. In his anger, now he is going to attack you with a hammer.

Mar 1, 2009

How to Select Suitable Martial Art Based on Your Nature

It is good suggestion to select suitable martial art based on your nature. But this one is very different with to select suitable martial art based on muscle kinds.

To figure out your nature, ask one of your friend to be your partner in a fight game. Like you did in your childhood age.

After the game over, remember what kind of techniques you did most.

Did you prefer to use punch techniques merely? If yes, it is good to select Boxing.

Did you prefer to use kick techniques? If yes, Tae Kwon Do or Jeet Kun Do may be suitable for you.

Did you prefer to use combined techniques of punch and kick? Karate or Thai Boxing could be suitable for you.

Did you prefer to use lock techniques and/or throw techniques? You would better select Judo, Aikido, Wrestle, Pencak Silat, and so on.

Did you use combination of all techniques? If yes, you could select Kung Fu, Ju Jitsu, Shinto Ryu, Mixed Martial Art, and Ninjutsu.

Do you like armed fighting? You could select Wushu, Kung Fu or Ninjutsu.

Human's nature is unseen, unheard, intangible, and immeasurable. Explanation above is only an approach to predict your possible nature. Not to assure exact one.

Feb 21, 2009

How to Select Suitable Martial Art Based on Muscle Kinds

According to dr. Sadoso, an Indonesian Sport Healthiness Expert, human's muscle consist of two kinds. Oxidal Muscle and Non Oxidal Muscle. These two kinds have very different character.

Oxidal Muscle is muscle which need plenty of oxygen to release energy. It releases energy only in second or seconds, even less than them. But it releases largely powerful energy. Example of activity which needs this kind of muscle is like when you try to destroy large stone with a sledge hammer.

Non Oxidal Muscle is muscle which need very little of oxygen to release energy. But this muscle can endure for a long time, about a half an hour or longer than it. The released energy is very little and economical. Example of activity which needs this kind of muscle is when you are jogging.

If you have a lot of oxidal muscle, it is suggested to select far-fight martial art. If you have a lot of non oxidal muscle in your body, it is suggested to select close-fight martial art (to define close-fight martial art and far-fight martial art, please read my previous article: Two Categories of Martial Art).

To know which muscle kind you have majorly in your body, please try these two activities. Which one is easier for you to do, 100 metres dash or a half an hour jogging? If 100 metres dash is easier, it means you have a lot of oxidal muscle in your body. If a half an hour jogging is easier, you have a lot of non oxidal muscle.

Two Categories of Martial Art

Based on technicality and distance of fight engagement, martial art is categorized in two categories. First category is close-fight martial art, second category is far-fight martial art.

First one always gets closer distance in order to win fight. It uses throw techniques, lock techniques, and break-joint techniques. Judo, Wrestle, Aikido, Pencak Silat are example of this category.

Second one always gets far distance of fight engagement in order to win a fight. It uses variety of punch and kick techniques. Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Western Boxing, Thai Boxing, are example of this category.

May be you want to know this. What is suitable Martial Art Category for me? If you do, please read my next articles : How to Select Suitable Martial Art Based on Muscle Kinds and How to Select Suitable Martial Art Based on Your Nature.

Why People Learn Martial Art

Generally, these are reasons why people study Martial Art :

1. Self Defence

This is the first and the last goal to study Martial Art. People need to protect themselves from harm

2. Sport

Martial Art is a good sport. Thus, we could get sport achievement. Example, to be a winner in Tae Kwon Do National Championship

3. Job Requirement

Soldier, police, bodyguard and any professional fighter have to learn Martial Art. It is a must for them

4. Prestige

Some people study and practice Martial Art for prestigious reason. They want to be "Hyundai"(black belt master). It is a pride for them

Whatever your motivation to study and practise Martial Art is, in this blog we refer to use self defence purpose. Articles you read or you will read is in Self Defence Sense.

Feb 20, 2009

Martial Art and Self Defence

Although literally Martial Art and Self Defence could have the same meaning, these phrases have quiet different meaning essentially. Martial Art is an art fighting which basically formed by Dharma Taishi (Tatmo Cawsu), The 28th of Buddhist Priest. In 550, he traveled from India to China in order to teach Buddhism. He did not only teach Buddhism, but also Indian Art Fighting (Indo Campo). It was important to teach because Buddhist priests often traveled from India to China, or on the contrary to learn Buddhism. The Silk Path in the time was not empty of robbers.
Then this art was developed in Shaolin Temple, which then called "Shaolin Kung Fu".
By the time, basic of this art spreads to many countries in the world. In Japan, adoption of this art bore Ju Jitsu, Aikido, Hapkido, Judo, and Karate. In Thailand, Thai Boxing. In Indonesia, Pencak Silat. In Korea, Tae Kwon Do. Even in this modern time, it still bears new martial art such as Shinto Ryu and Mixed Martial Art.
What about Self Defence?
Self Defence has greater meaning than Martial Art. It includes any method which human being use to defend themselves. It does not matter unarmed or armed action. Wrestle, Boxing, sword fighting, shooting, and Martial Art itself are Self Defence. So we could conclude Martial Art is part of Self Defence.
Although many Eastern experts insist on classifying Wrestle and Boxing as Non Martial Art, but now these arts are considered Martial Art. Systematically, they complete requirement to be classified as Martial Art.