Feb 21, 2009

How to Select Suitable Martial Art Based on Muscle Kinds

According to dr. Sadoso, an Indonesian Sport Healthiness Expert, human's muscle consist of two kinds. Oxidal Muscle and Non Oxidal Muscle. These two kinds have very different character.

Oxidal Muscle is muscle which need plenty of oxygen to release energy. It releases energy only in second or seconds, even less than them. But it releases largely powerful energy. Example of activity which needs this kind of muscle is like when you try to destroy large stone with a sledge hammer.

Non Oxidal Muscle is muscle which need very little of oxygen to release energy. But this muscle can endure for a long time, about a half an hour or longer than it. The released energy is very little and economical. Example of activity which needs this kind of muscle is when you are jogging.

If you have a lot of oxidal muscle, it is suggested to select far-fight martial art. If you have a lot of non oxidal muscle in your body, it is suggested to select close-fight martial art (to define close-fight martial art and far-fight martial art, please read my previous article: Two Categories of Martial Art).

To know which muscle kind you have majorly in your body, please try these two activities. Which one is easier for you to do, 100 metres dash or a half an hour jogging? If 100 metres dash is easier, it means you have a lot of oxidal muscle in your body. If a half an hour jogging is easier, you have a lot of non oxidal muscle.

Two Categories of Martial Art

Based on technicality and distance of fight engagement, martial art is categorized in two categories. First category is close-fight martial art, second category is far-fight martial art.

First one always gets closer distance in order to win fight. It uses throw techniques, lock techniques, and break-joint techniques. Judo, Wrestle, Aikido, Pencak Silat are example of this category.

Second one always gets far distance of fight engagement in order to win a fight. It uses variety of punch and kick techniques. Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Western Boxing, Thai Boxing, are example of this category.

May be you want to know this. What is suitable Martial Art Category for me? If you do, please read my next articles : How to Select Suitable Martial Art Based on Muscle Kinds and How to Select Suitable Martial Art Based on Your Nature.

Why People Learn Martial Art

Generally, these are reasons why people study Martial Art :

1. Self Defence

This is the first and the last goal to study Martial Art. People need to protect themselves from harm

2. Sport

Martial Art is a good sport. Thus, we could get sport achievement. Example, to be a winner in Tae Kwon Do National Championship

3. Job Requirement

Soldier, police, bodyguard and any professional fighter have to learn Martial Art. It is a must for them

4. Prestige

Some people study and practice Martial Art for prestigious reason. They want to be "Hyundai"(black belt master). It is a pride for them

Whatever your motivation to study and practise Martial Art is, in this blog we refer to use self defence purpose. Articles you read or you will read is in Self Defence Sense.

Feb 20, 2009

Martial Art and Self Defence

Although literally Martial Art and Self Defence could have the same meaning, these phrases have quiet different meaning essentially. Martial Art is an art fighting which basically formed by Dharma Taishi (Tatmo Cawsu), The 28th of Buddhist Priest. In 550, he traveled from India to China in order to teach Buddhism. He did not only teach Buddhism, but also Indian Art Fighting (Indo Campo). It was important to teach because Buddhist priests often traveled from India to China, or on the contrary to learn Buddhism. The Silk Path in the time was not empty of robbers.
Then this art was developed in Shaolin Temple, which then called "Shaolin Kung Fu".
By the time, basic of this art spreads to many countries in the world. In Japan, adoption of this art bore Ju Jitsu, Aikido, Hapkido, Judo, and Karate. In Thailand, Thai Boxing. In Indonesia, Pencak Silat. In Korea, Tae Kwon Do. Even in this modern time, it still bears new martial art such as Shinto Ryu and Mixed Martial Art.
What about Self Defence?
Self Defence has greater meaning than Martial Art. It includes any method which human being use to defend themselves. It does not matter unarmed or armed action. Wrestle, Boxing, sword fighting, shooting, and Martial Art itself are Self Defence. So we could conclude Martial Art is part of Self Defence.
Although many Eastern experts insist on classifying Wrestle and Boxing as Non Martial Art, but now these arts are considered Martial Art. Systematically, they complete requirement to be classified as Martial Art.