Pencak Silat is one of Indonesian Martial Arts. Its origin is unknown historically. No historical evidence found about this matter.
Suroso Orakas (1977:8), a Pencak Silat Fighter, guessed its basic was brought by Chinese merchants from fifth century to tenth century. In the time, Strait of Malacca had been a central traffic of sea trade between China, India, and Nusantara (ancient name of Indonesia). This mercantile, religion, and cultural relationship was on top in 670s, Golden Era of Sriwijaya Kingdom. Sriwijaya was a famous Buddhism education center. Probably in this age Nusantara People learned martial basic from their trade partner, Chinese merchants.
In fifteenth century, Pencak Silat Teaching taken over by every "Kiai" in "Pondok Pesantren". Kiai is Islamic Priest, Pondok Pesantren is Islamic Traditional Education Center.
After long process which took centuries, finally Pencak Silat found its own personality like we all know now.
Buddhism Influence can be seen in Pencak Silat Philosophy. It teaches not to be the first attacker. Fighter who strikes first blow will lose the fight.
This is prediction of history of Pencak Silat. If you are interested in learning it seriously, please visit Padepokan Pencak Silat, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jakarta, Indonesia. Or you can join Persekutuan Pencak Silat Antar Bangsa (Persilat), if it exists in your country.
Orakas, Suroso, Bela Diri Praktis Pencak Silat, Karya Anda, Surabaya, 1977.