This form of fighting is verytechnicaland heavy. So, itis relativelydifficult toexplainwith words.I encourage youto practicewith atrustedtrainerintensivelyto defeatanarmedopponent.
Weaponcan bedivided by 3 categories: firearm,sharp weaponandbluntweapon. We will discussherethesharp weaponandbluntweapon. Firearmispart of job of policeand soldier.
Principally youshould getcloserto defeatsuchopponent. If it is notpossibleto seize enemy's wrist, you simplydodgefirstfrom ablow/puncture. Once you getan opportunity, seize the wristholding the weapon.
Now youhave twochoices. First,you can apply on break-jointtechniqueto break theopponent's handto get his weapon dropped. Secondly, you can slamyour opponentfirst.When theopponentfalls down, youdisarm him.
Basicallythis is notthe onlyprinciple. Many principleshave beendeveloped bymartial art experts. But this is easiest principle to understand fornovicepractitioners.
Ifyouwant tosee a demonstration of disarming armed opponent, please visit youtube.comand in thesearchboxfill in"Disarmingaknife" or "Disarming techniques". Thenpress enteror clicksearch.You will bepresented witha lot ofvideostowatch.It may be usefultogive you an ideahow to fightanarmedopponent.
Again, pleasepractice intensively with a trusted trainerto prepare fightingagainstanarmedenemy.