Every organization or activity has its own orientation. It could be more than one, although the organization/activity is only one. For example; a hospital could be profit-oriented, but it could be charity-oriented on the other side.
So does Martial Art. It has a few orientation, depending on its nature or its user's willing. Following explanation is three orientation of Martial Art:
1. Defensive Orientation
Remembering Buddhism atmosphere and influence in martial art history, some martial arts have defensive orientation. Only using techniques to defend ourselves in emergency situation. Not using them to show up capability. Humility and succumbing attitude are priority. Examples of martial arts which have defensive orientation are Shaolin Kung Fu and Pencak Silat.
2. Offensive Orientation
In the development, martial art experts did not only consider defence, but also offense. The advantage of offense is to disable opponent before he does it. This principle is used in fighting big bodied opponent or multiple opponents. Examples of martial arts which have offensive orientation are Karate and Tae Kwon Do.
3. Eliminating Orientation
In ancient time martial art was also used by fighters for military activities. Do not be surprised to hear existance of elimination-oriented martial art. An example of martial arts which have eliminating orientation is Ninjutsu.
These are three orientation of Martial Art in author's opinion. Hopefully this information will be useful to Martial Lovers.