Jul 29, 2009

Ninja: Principle of Stealth Fighter

Ninja, faceless men, expert fighters in infiltration and assassination, were not fiction but did in fact exist. They were Japanese Secret Assassin in ancient Japan from sixth century to beginning of seventeenth century.

Ninja way of life, named "Ninjutsu", taught an assumption that people can not attack whom they can not see. This made ninja developing infiltration and stealth techniques.

This principle could be applied in fight by three ways.

First, you can attack an opponent from his back silently when he has not detected you already. This is what the so called "Stealth Technique". It is most popular technique used by ninja in ancient time.

Second, when you have been fighting an opponent whom has detected you already, you can still move to his back. It requires leg agility, special technique, and intensive training.

Third, you can distract opponent's vision then attack him. For example, you can pretend you are grasping something, then pretend to throw it to his eyes. Although you throw nothing, he will still turn his face or cover his face in instinctive reaction to protect his eyes. This moment permits you to attack him.

In ancient time, ninja used the third application by throwing smoke bomb. As the smoke filled the air and opponent could not see clearly, ninja would attack his opponent. It was also possible the ninja would throw shuriken (ninja thrown weapon) first. While opponent was being hit or trying to avoid it, ninja would attack opponent with his main weapon, ninja blade.

These are application of Stealth Principle which was developed by Ninja, Stealth Fighter.

Jul 20, 2009

Bruce Lee: New Paradigm of Martial Art

Bruce Lee was a very famous Hollywood Actor. He was also a great Kung Fu Fighter. It is a pity he passed away unnaturally.

For the Western World, Bruce Lee introduced a new thing. It is how to use leg as a weapon in the fight. Before they know him, Western people always fight only with their hands.

For Eastern World, Bruce Lee introduced a new style in Kung Fu, Non Style Kung Fu. Before his appearance, Kung Fu Fighters always tied to a style. For example Snake Syle, Dragon Style, Tiger Style, and so on. He tought a form of fighting untied to style, but only concentrated on fighting techniques. For Kung Fu World, this is a new paradigm. One thing never exists before.

This is story of change done by Bruce Lee in Martial Art World. Hopefully, we could get benefit from his teaching.