Disarming an opponent who hold a firearm is not an easy and playful thing. A useless mistakes can result in serious injury or death.
Hand gun is one type of firearms. With a small and short body, it is flexible and easy to use in close range. It is why to disarm hand gun is more difficult than another long-bodied firearm such as rifle.
In a Krav Maga trainer's opinion, there is a common mistake people make when they try to disarm a hand gun. They just seize it with one hand, usually they seize its barrel. They should do it with two hands.
In a Krav Maga trainer's opinion, there is a common mistake people make when they try to disarm a hand gun. They just seize it with one hand, usually they seize its barrel. They should do it with two hands.
Do you know why it is wrong? Because the opponent can easily pull back his/her hand gun, so our grip on its barrel will be apart. It is very dangerous if it occurs in a real fight.
Once again, a useless mistake on disarming a gun can result in serious injury or death.
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